‘Brushstrokes on Dundas Street’ is featured in ‘Toronto Revealed’ exhibition
Une statue de Joseph-Elzéar Bernier au quai Paquet
Le Peuple Lévi
The History of Toronto in Photos
Toronto in Art form the 1830s to the 1980s
Le Capitaine Bernier aura sa statue
Journal de Lévis
Les rêves habités de Michel Binette
Le Courrier de Saint-Hyacinthe
Un monument de militantisme pour les bleus (dévoilement du buste de Jean Lapierre célèbre syndicaliste créé par Binette)
La Presse/Montréal
Une statuette de brone à la mémoire de Louis Cyr
L’expression de lanaudière
Défi national Louis-Cyr – une oeuvre de bronze de Michel Binette a été dévoilée à Montréal à l’occasion de Défi national qui porte son nom
Le journal de Québec
Michel Binette, sculpteur: « Un bronze pour l’éternité »
La Presse
La Québec reconnaît la contribution d’Adélard Godbout (dévoilement de la statue sculptée par Michel Binette devant le Parlement québécois)
La Presse
Adélard Godbout sort de l’oubli
Le Devoir
Works of Binette – Presentation of a show at the Chatham Capitol Theatre
The Chatham Daily News
Capitol fund-raisers get artistic boost – International artist Binette will bring a taste of New York and London
The Chatham Daily News
Dutch remember fallen Canadians (gravure sur granit noir créée par Binette)
The Chatham Daily News
Well-known artist in Kent County
Chatham This Week
Kent sculptor Michel Binette found inspiration in Tecumseh
Chatham this week
Binette – Comeback carved in granite
The London Free Press
St Joe’s says Thanks – a lasting tribute to donors
The Chatham Daily News
Artist envisions Tecumseh likeness
The London Free Press
Michel Binette creates unique artistic lifestyle
The Chatham Daily News
Love of creating burns within artist – Michel Binette at work
The Chatham Daily News
Fiction brought to life – sculpture of Maria Chapdelaine
The Chatham Daily News
Romance and realism combined by Thamesville artist
The Windsor Star
Blenheim to exhibit Binette’s paintings an sculptures
The Ridgetown Dominion
Aussi généreux que combatif
Le journal de Montréal
Michel Binette rocket to fame
Dominion Press
Cette fois, Maurice Richard trône dans son aréna – Une sculpture de Binette
La Presse / Montréal
Artist (profil of) Michel Binette
The Chatham Daily News
Binette teaching sculpture at Chatham Cultural Centre
The Ridgetown Dominion
Artist draws from imagination in creating his lifelike sculptures
The London Free Press
Nationally known artist holds Kent Art Show
North Kent Leader
Local artist displays work
The Ridgetown Dominion
Three-month rest in Kent became nine years – Binette likes it here
The Chatham Daily News
Art and photography highlight weekend
The London Free Press
Michelle Binette still here – Exposition at the Salt Box
The Ridgetown Dominion
Binette…Believes will be top Canadian artist
The Ridgetown Dominion
Painting heading for Toronto Show
The Toronto Star
Pupils taught art appreciation
The Windsor Star
Artist and hockey great both thrilled
The Chatham Daily News
Canadian vs Morpeth viewed by nearly 1400
The Ridgetown Dominion
Local artist prepares for major exhibit at Kaspar Gallery
The Windsor Star
Artist works magic in his Thamesville studio
The Chatham Daily News
Hard work pays off for Thamesville artist
The London Free Press
Kent artist portrays his dreams on canvas
The Windsor Star
Hard work key to success says Kent County artist
The Chatham Daily News
Now watch closely
The Chatham Daily News
Shaw at Art Centre
The Ridgetown Dominion
Classical sculptor’s career blossoms in Thamesville
The Windsor Star
Thamesville artist Michel Binette is holding a one-man exhibition
The Windsor Star
Sculptor Michel Binette with head of Zuni Indian: “It’s like a baby being born.”
The Windsor Star
Artist sketch the human form
The Chatham Daily News
“Thinking Man” image made for wife of Prime Minister Trudeau
The Chatham Daily News
Bronzé dans l’immortalité – le sculpteur Michel Binette gagnant du concours visant à choisir une statue du Rocket qui doit être installée dans le hall du Forum.
Journal de Montréal